Developing Multiplatform Game with LibGDX, part 27: Android controls!

Implementing Android Controls

Technically, our game is ready, but in reality, we cannot launch it on Android. This is due to our controls read from Keyboard. Today, we are going to fix that by adding the arrow sprites for Android version.

Here’s 4 buttons that I’ve drawn:

We’re going to place 2 (up-down) buttons on the left side of the screen and remaining two on the right side. Now, let’s declare and load button images:

public TextureRegionDrawable leftArrowBtn;
public TextureRegionDrawable rightArrowBtn;
public TextureRegionDrawable upArrowBtn;
public TextureRegionDrawable downArrowBtn;

Then, at the end of Resources constructor, initialize them:

leftArrowBtn = new TextureRegionDrawable(gameSprites.findRegion("larrow"));
rightArrowBtn = new TextureRegionDrawable(gameSprites.findRegion("rarrow"));
upArrowBtn = new TextureRegionDrawable(gameSprites.findRegion("uarrow"));
downArrowBtn = new TextureRegionDrawable(gameSprites.findRegion("darrow"));

So far so good. Go to our GameScreen, declare new Group:

public Group controlGroup;

We will use it to place the button there (and also disable all of them when the game ends!). At the bottom of our GameScreen constructor, add:

controlGroup = new Group();
// comment out the next line to test buttons on desktop
if ( == Application.ApplicationType.Android)

We create our group as we would create any other actor. After that, we check which device launched our application. If it happened on Android – prepare button! (but if you are testing – comment out the “if” check, because you want to see the buttons on the screen during tests, but players will have no use for them).

Now, we need to define the prepareDirectionButtons function. In advance, I think all of the button functions are going to be somewhat equal (only movement direction, image and button coordinates differ). Therefore, we can make a separate function to create a direction button.

private void prepareDirectionButton(final int dx, final int dy, TextureRegionDrawable img, float x, float y)
    ImageButton btn = new ImageButton(img);
    btn.setPosition(x, y);
    btn.addListener(new ClickListener() {
        public void touchUp (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
            AttemptMove(dx, dy);
            super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);

As simple as that: create a new button, create a click controller that is similar to our arrow keys (calls AttemtpMove) and then add it to our group. Now all that is left to do is to add 4 direction calls to our prepareDirectionButton:

private void prepareDirectionButtons() {
    // Up-Down
    prepareDirectionButton(0, 1, game.res.upArrowBtn, 2, gameStage.getHeight() / 2 + 2);
    prepareDirectionButton(0, -1, game.res.downArrowBtn, 2, gameStage.getHeight() / 2 - 16);

    // Left-Right
    prepareDirectionButton(-1, 0, game.res.leftArrowBtn, gameStage.getWidth() - 36, gameStage.getHeight() / 2 - 9);
    prepareDirectionButton(1, 0, game.res.rightArrowBtn, gameStage.getWidth() - 18, gameStage.getHeight() / 2 - 9);

After that, let’s remove the buttons once the stage is complete. At the beginning of our OnGameEnd call in GameScreen, add the following line:

public void OnGameEnd(final boolean playerWon) {

Good! Now we have to make sure that the game launches in landscape mode on Android. Go to our AndroidManifest.xml file and adjust it accordingly (if you have not already):


That’s it! The game is going to have the direction buttons now. Try running it on your phone to see if everything’s working as intended.

Multiplatform Gamedev Tutorial

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